APARTMENTMAN/ Bankers Theroy of Creative Accounting Apartment


State: Massachusetts

Rent (monthly): $975.00

Bedrooms: Studio

Description: APARTMENTMAN/ Bankers Theroy of Creative Accounting <br /> <br />Brookline/Brighton - Top floor Studio As APARTMENTMAN sits at his desk reading the new 5000 page bestseller entitled, 'The bankers Theory of Creative Accounting,' the 'A' phone rings. (APARTMENTMAN phone) This is the White House comes the voice over the phone. The white house on Harvard Street answers our gullible hero of the homeless. No stupid, THE WHITE HOUSE IN WASHINGTON' comes the disgruntled reply. The big guy, aka the president, needs a place near an intellectual mecca so he can hone his verbal skills and polish his intellectual reputation. 'What intellectual reputation' replies our seeker of shelter. 'So you do understand our dilemma,' comes the voice over the phone. 'Can you help' ? With the intellect, probably not, with the apartment sure. Here it is. <br /> <br />DIMENSIONS/DESCRIPTIONS OF APARTMENT <br />You enter this sun drenched apartment, (I always wanted to call an apartment sun drenched so since the opportunity arose I took it). Anyhow, this is a 4th floor apartment that does actually get a lot of sun. You enter into the foyer which measures 6 ft x 7 ft. (If you want to just call it the entranceway that's fine with me.) The foyer, as well as the entire apartment, has newly refinished hardwood floors. There is a walk in closet to your left as you enter that measues 9 ft x 3.5 ft. This should be plenty of closet space for anyone living in a studio. (If it's not you may have a clothes accumulation problem and should begin immediate counseling) To the left of the foyer is the kitchen which measures 10 ft x 6 ft with 1 window and a gas range. There is also a breakfast counter in the kitchen under which you can put those 4 legged wooden stools that everyone buys even though they are too uncomfortable to really sit on. The countertops are Clint Eastwood grey. (This is something I just made up. What is Clint Eastwood grey ? Well, you know that steely look Clint gives the bad guy right before he shoots him. Well it's a steely look. Steel is grey. Therefore I am calling these counters Clint Eastwood grey. It makes as much sense as some of those nutty colors you see in those decorating magazines. Ya know what I mean. Colors like morning mist. What the heck is morning mist and how is it a color ?) Anyhow, on to the bathroom which measures 7 feet x 5 feet with one window. You really don't want more than 1 window in the bathroom. Finally we reach the living room/sleeping area which measures 13 feet x 13 feet with two windoows and 9 foot ceilings. New replacement windows throughout the apartment. Laundry in the basement and steps from the T. Call ASAP to see. Copyright (2003-2010) James V Castelli