State: Massachusetts

Rent (monthly): $1,700.00

Bedrooms: 2

Description: APARTMENTMAN: Flying in the skies over Boston looking for apartments for all, with his super vision Apartmentman sees a new hybrid auto careening toward the bridge over the Charles River. Using his super hearing, coupled with his x-ray vision, Apartmentman is simultaneously able to see and hear inside the auto. ( A useful skill) Inside the car he sees “Donna Directions” screaming at the GPS in her hand that she needs to be at her job interview at Harvard Square in 4 minutes. The all purpose GPS, in a non excited , monotone voice replies, “ Cross over the BU Bridge and go straight 4 blocks toward Central Square...” <br /> <br /> With the veins on her forehead and temple beginning to stand out, Donna glares at the GPS in hand, stating in a threatening tone, “ The BU bridge is out of service you idiot......” <br /> <br /> Undeterred, the GPS again says, “ Cross over the BU Bridge and go straight 4 blocks toward Central Square...” <br /> <br /> As Donna Direction swims across the Charles River toward Cambridge cursing and holding her GPS over her head and out of the water, APARTMENTMAN ponders the map reading navigation class presently being offered at the local community college ..... <br /> <br /> <br />EMAIL FOR PHOTOS IF AVAILABLE